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Seasonal Flu

Coworkers are coughing, and family members are sneezing! The flu season in Dubai has arrived and is already making headlines. Everyone must take precautions to prepare for the flu season in Dubai before it peaks. But what is flu season, and how does the seasonal flu affect?

Seasonal influenza or seasonal flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by viruses that circulate globally. It can be acute or severe and infiltrates your respiratory system, including your nasal cavity, throat, lungs, and respiratory tract. However, it might be astonishing to know that many people have a robust immune system and can recover from influenza-even without any medicinal help quite quickly.

Risk factors and how does seasonal flu spread?

Many people are more vulnerable to significant respiratory infections, such as kids from 6 months to 5 years, pregnant women, elders over 65 years, and those with particular medical problems. Along with age, poor living style, or working conditions, such as people staying in hospitals, are at higher risk. People with a weakened immune system, obesity, and chronic sickness become prone to having the flu or its consequences.

Unfortunately, the influenza virus can quickly spread from birds to pigs to people. So, when infected human coughs, sneeze, or speaks, the virus spreads through the air in droplets that can be either directly inhaled or the germs can be picked up from an item, such as a phone, doorknob, or computer keyboard. As a result, the virus can be transmitted to your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Time duration:

Tragically, even with influenza, chronic conditions ranging from minor to severe, and some may result in death. Hospitalization and mortality are most common among high-risk populations as these yearly epidemics are predicted to cause three to five million instances of severe disease worldwide.

Flu season in Dubai usually occurs between the beginning of autumn and winter and remains till spring. Its prevalence has peaked between October and February over the past three decades, but it has consistently tapered off by April. Moreover, if you live in Dubai, you should be cautious of seasonal flu and obtain a flu vaccination because the flu season in Dubai lasts from September to March. The cycle of influenza is 7 to 10 days, but sometimes symptoms might prolong for a long time.

Types and symptoms:

Each year, seasonal flu epidemics are caused by influenza A and B viruses that are frequently distributed in humans (human influenza viruses).

Symptoms of seasonal flu:

Here are the signs and symptoms of seasonal flu:

  • Runny or stuffy nose 
  • Sore throat and eye pain
  • Fever and aching muscles
  • Dry, persistent cough 
  • Chills, sweats, and headache 
  • Shortness of breath, tiredness, and weakness 
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

The symptoms of a bad cold are similar to influenza; for example, you feel under the cloud, have red or watery eyes, and have a runny nose. In seasonal flu, you might also get a fever, weakness, and in severe cases, heart problems. People infected with the virus have symptoms within five days. However, children and others with compromised immune systems may remain infectious for a more prolonged period.

If you have the same symptoms and are concerned about covid-19, you can acquire additional information by reading about  covid-19 and PCR test or contacting the Call Doctor team, who will come to your home and take the PCR sample test.

Difference between Cold and flu:

It is difficult to distinguish between a severe cold and seasonal flu because the respiratory tract is infected in both, although distinct viruses induce them. Though the symptoms are very similar, seasonal flu is more powerful. The best part is that you can get treatment for the flu quickly with home remedies or enough rest.

Tips for flu season:

Cover your sneeze please!

If you have flu-like symptoms, you should get a flu test and if prescribed get the vaccination every year because it is essential for everyone to have a flu shot during the pandemic.

  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Limit contact with people
  • Take medicine
  • Visit the doctor
  • Use surgical masks

Ensure that your mouth & nose are covered when you sneeze and the used tissue paper is thrown away properly. Pregnant ladies should avoid nebulization and nasal spray and take necessary measures to stay safe from the seasonal influenza.

How to boost up the immune system during the flu season?

Many people are concerned about how to stay healthy during flu season?  No doubt seasonal flu weakens the immune system and can affect the mood; you can get rid of it quickly by following some simple precautions:

Make sure you get adequate rest:

Sleep deprivation can be a big problem; it renders your body more prone to illness, like an erratic sleep regimen. Allowing yourself a good 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night will improve your chances of avoiding sickness. Don’t be concerned, and make every effort to eliminate stress. Finding methods to amuse oneself that do not entail spending time in front of a computer is beneficial, as is exercising.

Eat healthy food:

Eat a wide variety of plant-based, fiber-rich, and colorfully diversified foods to fuel your body from the inside out. Drink plenty of water, preferably lukewarm water; alternatively, you can drink green tea and concentrate on eating entire meals to gain nourishment. Moreover, fresh fruits and vegetables benefit your immune system because fast foods are not suitable for your health during flu season in Dubai.

Fight the grippe:

Call Doctor offers flu treatment services at your doorstep so you can obtain maximum healthcare benefits in the comfort of your home. Call us to get our home health care services  for yourself and your family 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

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