“Let the Distance Bring Us Together” song by Britt Daniel says it all. It is the distances that keep us together. And it rings even more true in the times of Covid-19 pandemic, where social distancing is an effective method (as claimed by WHO) to lower the pace and extent of spread of COVID-19 in any given city or community and thus flatten the curve. It is important to maintain social distance to keep our loved ones together and safe from the deadly CORONAVIRUS.

The importance of social distancing during Covid-19 is also highlighted from the fact that the fewer the number of people with the disease, the fewer people will need hospitalization and ventilators at any one time, thus reducing strain on the health infrastructure of the UAE. This will also ensure better care for the infected and further reduce the risk of the spread of this highly contagious disease.
What is Social Distancing
Social distancing is a public health practice with the sole aim to prevent infected/sick people from coming in close contact with healthy people in order to reduce opportunities for the spread of Covid-19 infection. As advised by WHO, it can include sweeping measures like avoiding or canceling group events, social & religious gatherings, shutting down public spaces with heavy footfall, as well as individual decisions to avoid crowded places.
Watch the video to understand how community spread happens fast in Covid-19 if social distancing is not followed:
There is a huge high-risk population including elders, pregnant women, and newborns that can be kept away from getting infected with Covid-19 by breaking the chain of infection by following the social distancing norms.
How to practice Social Distancing?

Break the chain of infections with 6 feet distance norm
The WHO has defined social distancing as “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.” and also laid out instructions for small public gatherings.
No hugs, No Handshakes
It is of utmost importance to avoid hugs & handshakes with people outside the family and also to maintain the 6 feet distance from anyone who shows signs of illness, including coughing, sneezing, or fever.
Along with maintaining social distance, it is also important to follow proper hand-washing for protecting not only yourself but also others around you – because the Covid-19 virus can be spread even without symptoms (asymptomatic).
Call Doctor UAE recommends washing hands any time you enter from outdoors to indoors, before you eat, and before you spend time with people who are more vulnerable to the effects of Covid-19, including elders, pregnant women, newborns, and those with chronic medical conditions.
Call Doctor UAE’s General Practitioners, Nurses & Physiotherapists are available 24x7x365 at your service. We reach within 30 minutes at the place where you require our services, be it your home, office, or hotel room. Call Doctor UAE advises you to follow the social distancing norms and stay safe from Covid-19.
If you can’t avoid going outside and are at high risk of contracting an infection, you can avail of Call Doctor UAE home healthcare services for the elderly at your home or for those who are with chronic medical conditions to keep them safe from infections. Call us 24x7x365 on 800-200-400